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Saturday, 7 August 2010

Day 7: Clitheroe to Pooley Bridge

78 miles today (561 miles so far)

The day began with drama, Tim discovered he had left his wallet in the pub the night before, obviously distracted by the 80’s power ballads.  After leaving his details and postage, we left Clitheroe and headed North of the Lake District.  The terrain began more demanding as we passed Kendal and worked our way to Windermere.  Late afternoon, having buoyed our spirits with an iced bun at the lakeside, we began our ascent of the notorious Kirkstone Pass.  After a long climb in a stunning setting, we reached the top and enjoyed a cheeky half with a fellow cyclist en route from Kitzbuhl, Austria, and an ex-marine, who claimed to have climbed Everest.  An incredible downhill later, we set up camp at the north end of Ullswater. Upon unrolling his tent, Tim found his wallet safely inside.

Words of the day: 16.5% (Jim), Bellsprout (Tim)

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